
The purpose of Metasports is to become a leading media house for web3 gaming content. With over $3.3B raised for Web3 games in 2021, the success of games will heavily depend on the reach and engagement from content. Guilds and BlockchainSpace, will play a heavy role in this content.

Guilds of all sizes are prime communities for content (1) generation, (2) engagement, and (3) distribution — all of which contribute to the mass onboarding of gamers to blockchain and crypto

Metasports’ synergy as a content and engagement vehicle within the BlockchainSpace ecosystem will prove a mutually beneficial environment for the growth of and development guilds and gamers through content, tools, education, and rewarding experiences.

Profit Share or Equity Structure:

60% ownership of Metasports to BlockchainSpace over a target period of 6 months

Cap Table ($1M Post Money)

Equity Vesting:

60% ownership of Metasports to BlockchainSpace over a target period of 6 months given milestones

20% $170,000 USDC $30,000 in $GUILD Upon Signing
20% $170,000 USDC $30,000 in $GUILD Month 3
20% $160,000 USDC $40,000 in $GUILD Month 6


$600,000 for 60% of Metasports, broken down into the following:

USDC or Equivalent Stablecoin $500,000
$GUILD $100,000 in $GUILD
TOTAL VALUE $600,000

BSPC provides: