Questions to Ask BSPC
Moving Things forward
- 0% Interest Bridge Loan
- Signed Letter of Intent
- What BSPC Resources can we tap into and to what extent
- Dev?
- Compliance & Legal?
- HR / Accounting?
Metasports Questions
- Equity Readjustment (Peter still legally owns 50%)
- Are we allowed to add special clauses
- If Token dies does BSPC die? / Token Allocation Dies (BSPC Token is Utility not Security)
- If majority acquired, can we get a right to first buyback incase BSPC goes down (Clause is very normal)
Raising 2M
- Original Goal → We still intent to raise a Seed Round in roughly a year
- Because we thought that competition would take a bit longer as well, but apparently not the case.
- We need 2M to scale into a winner
- Even if BSPC acquires at the 500k val, can BSPC 100% guarantee that we can get the 2m
- We don’t see ourselves cashflow positive in the next 3-5 years. IF we want to win we want to scale.
- How will BSPC help us get the 2M
- Top up future round?
- Additional Capital Injection?
Action Items
Signing Board Resolution
- [ ] Peter
- [ ] Joe
- [ ] Lars
Exploring other options for investments
- We feel that the 2 months waiting was crucial to our goal to front run
- Tier One just announced → Their program
- uGG Raised →
- We’ve been 100% reinvesting what we do have and been able to at least keep up → Imagine what we could have done w/ 2M by now.
Questions →
Lilian Teo been in crypto since 2018 → Was in Fintech prior
- Advisory Services to crypto founders for compliance
Peter Told Her
He is a current shareholder 1/3
They want to take 65%
Wants to know
→ Arrangement of shareholders
→ Anything else we can share because just got onboarded